Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rack 'em up

This is what 13 feet by 10 feet of wall space looks like when it's been devoted entirely to CD shelving. I estimate I can get 5,700 CDs on these shelves without crowding them at all. Everything up here so far is alphabetized and sorted by selling platform, but I still have quite a bit to shelve.

This is the first step, hopefully the pivotal moment where we go from a disheveled, disorganized one-man flea circus to a well-honed order-spittin' machine. Even with some of the stock still in boxes, pulling orders today was amazingly fast, and having everything up and on display like this lets me know at a glance what I'm overstocked on and what I could shift to another platform or mark down to clear out.

Very psyched right now. Psyched and exhausted. Two tubs of orders packed, house relatively clean, and a whole lot more of life in the proper place than we've had before. This week should see a lot more get done. I'm looking forward to it.

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